- Time management skills- I plan to have personal weekly timetables to manage multiple briefs
- Find out more about who I am as a designer-my speciality
- Enter more life briefs-get more involved with finding out about these live briefs- would be good for my portfolio.
- Improve my blogs/ website ( which I hopefully would have created in the summer)
- Further technicle type skills- I think the only way I can fully understand this is not by only from reading but by DOING....Therefore I plan to include more type in my work.
- Make less mistakes...especially stupid ones like printing off 20 hotdog folds before proof reading
- Become more proactive interms of thinking about the future-get involved with potential employments
- Use the facilities more eg. Letter Press, Woodblock, Print- digital at Blenheim and Screen/ Mono at Vernon.
- Further layout skills/ InDesign- use Indesign to create prints to perhaps promote a product/ Advertise it
- Packaging- packaging products or use packaging as the product itself.
Monday, 7 June 2010
10 Things I want to achieve in the 2nd year
10 Things I want to achieve over the summer
- Eat proper food-Real Thai food
- Rest
- Create my own website/online folio
- Summer brief
- Graphic Design Reading (on type, colour, layout, packaging, environmental design, etc )
- Other Reading ( design industry related- ' Life's aPitch')
- Familiarise myself more with Indesign, Photoshop, even Illustrator
- Introduce mysel to other Adobe Programmes ( Flash, AfterEffects, Dreamweaver??)
- Work on previous finished briefs
- more advanced Photography skills
Thursday, 3 June 2010
PPD-Presentation Preparation
PPD-Communicate a reflective summary of my experience on the course
INTRODUCTION- in this presentation Expectations, Who I am as a learner and a designer, How have things I experience over this past year affected my aims and ambition.
1. Expectations- What I wanted to achieve from being on this course was to be lead into the right direction into becoming a ( really good) Graphic Designer. I wanted the skills and knowledge about the design inductry that will give me every advantage when competing for a placement/job. I also hoped to learn about what kind og designer I want to be.
So far on this course... I feel that I'm heading in that direction...I hope!
2.Who I am as a learner and a designer?-my work and I....
I am... a problem solver,motivated, honest, direct,impulsive, open minded but also critical.
I wish I was....organised...much more organised, better informed, decisive and neat....
Therefore I've learnt that as a designer I like to solve specific problems/briefs that are given to me in a shorter amount of time rather than to create a problem to be solved over a long period of time. I struggled with the long briefs at first more specifically the 'collection 100' brief . I found it hard to manage the time we were given and took too long to figure out what my problem was.
However, over the term I learnt to manage my time better and the most recent long brief. the ' speaking fro experience ' brief I feel like I worked more effectively and more decisively. I decided quickly what the problem had to be, did some effective research and then solve the problem which I clearly specified.
Working with other people...... I've learnt that I can work with other people through the three briefs that we've had..........................................................................................(more need to be written down )
3.How have the things I experienced over this past year affected my aims and ambitions-
This year I have learnt and found skills in-
At this point in time I'm still not sure about what my speaciality is but I don't feel like I am skilled in enough fields to decide that yet and thats why I would really like to learn more about other elements within Graphic Design before I do.
But I think my approach to work would be more playful, light hearted and entertaining rather than a more serious approach. I would still like it to be information and persuasive.
INTRODUCTION- in this presentation Expectations, Who I am as a learner and a designer, How have things I experience over this past year affected my aims and ambition.
1. Expectations- What I wanted to achieve from being on this course was to be lead into the right direction into becoming a ( really good) Graphic Designer. I wanted the skills and knowledge about the design inductry that will give me every advantage when competing for a placement/job. I also hoped to learn about what kind og designer I want to be.
So far on this course... I feel that I'm heading in that direction...I hope!
2.Who I am as a learner and a designer?-my work and I....
I am... a problem solver,motivated, honest, direct,impulsive, open minded but also critical.
I wish I was....organised...much more organised, better informed, decisive and neat....
Therefore I've learnt that as a designer I like to solve specific problems/briefs that are given to me in a shorter amount of time rather than to create a problem to be solved over a long period of time. I struggled with the long briefs at first more specifically the 'collection 100' brief . I found it hard to manage the time we were given and took too long to figure out what my problem was.
However, over the term I learnt to manage my time better and the most recent long brief. the ' speaking fro experience ' brief I feel like I worked more effectively and more decisively. I decided quickly what the problem had to be, did some effective research and then solve the problem which I clearly specified.
Working with other people...... I've learnt that I can work with other people through the three briefs that we've had..........................................................................................(more need to be written down )
3.How have the things I experienced over this past year affected my aims and ambitions-
This year I have learnt and found skills in-
- problem solving
- concept building
- working in a team/with a partner
- software skills
- audience awareness
- awareness about the use of type and colour
- effective ways in approaching briefs
- Further type skills
- Layout and composition
- Colour
- Book Design/binding
- Packaging design
At this point in time I'm still not sure about what my speaciality is but I don't feel like I am skilled in enough fields to decide that yet and thats why I would really like to learn more about other elements within Graphic Design before I do.
But I think my approach to work would be more playful, light hearted and entertaining rather than a more serious approach. I would still like it to be information and persuasive.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Communication is a Virus:Printed Calendar

What problem did you identify?
Encouraging people to try something new ( new activities) in a humorous and light-hearted way.
What evidence did you find to support your decisions?
The brief we were given was to choose on of the following problems and we chose the 'try something new' problem. Our researched included the most appropriate target audience for this problem and what method of delivery would be most suitable for this group of people. In our research we found that people, perhaps working in offices, who work around the clock ( 9-5 etc.) are less likely to go out of their way and do something different. This is why we decided to, provide them with a list of activities they could do each month and where,how and when they could participate in these activities. Therefore the audience would not have to go out and find out about these themselves.
What nethods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take?
(categorise your research usings terms:primary, secondary, quantitative and qualitative)
Encouraging people to try something new ( new activities) in a humorous and light-hearted way.
What evidence did you find to support your decisions?
The brief we were given was to choose on of the following problems and we chose the 'try something new' problem. Our researched included the most appropriate target audience for this problem and what method of delivery would be most suitable for this group of people. In our research we found that people, perhaps working in offices, who work around the clock ( 9-5 etc.) are less likely to go out of their way and do something different. This is why we decided to, provide them with a list of activities they could do each month and where,how and when they could participate in these activities. Therefore the audience would not have to go out and find out about these themselves.
What nethods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take?
(categorise your research usings terms:primary, secondary, quantitative and qualitative)
Primary Quantitative: talking to people and asking them about various activities
Secondary Quantitative:places, time and costs of these events on the internet.
What methods of research did you find useful and why?
For this project, for the different activities and their information we found that the internet was the quickest and the most informative of all. We found all the places near Leeds/west yorkshire ( which is where we based our target audience around ). Most companies put all their information online and many of them you could even book for the event their. Everything was clear and easy to understand.
How did these inform your response to your problem?
How did these inform your response to your problem?
So...instead of having to go look up all these things on the internet individually, the audience will have access to all this information in one product. We decided that we didn't want to just give them information after information and we wanted to make it funny. So...we decided that all these activities will be introduced as an activity you would do with a bear. An this is when the illustrations come in.
There was quite a lot of information that we found as well and we didnt want to just make leaflets that would just get thrown away so we decided to make a calendar which is also appropriate to office workers. Its something that they can keep. Also, some of these activities can only be done during certain seasons ( ice-skating,, etc so we specified appropriate activities to the appropriate months
What research could you have carried that would have proved more useful?
What research could you have carried that would have proved more useful?
Actually talking to office workers
different styles for the calendar
more visual research?
List five things that you have learnt about design process over the last five weeks
1. Working with a partner is difficult. Luckily my partner and I got on well but it was still hard as you can't make any decisions on your own. We assigned different tasks for each other but at the end of the day we both still seek approval from the other person. And meeting up after college was also tricky.
1. Working with a partner is difficult. Luckily my partner and I got on well but it was still hard as you can't make any decisions on your own. We assigned different tasks for each other but at the end of the day we both still seek approval from the other person. And meeting up after college was also tricky.
2. Calendar making... The print process of calendars is quite complicated and you have do make sure that all the layout is perfect.
3. again... about working with a partner..... be comfortable about saying what you think to your partner.
4. Photoshop and Illustrator.... do not always work well together ( Jack only uses photoshop and I only use Illustrator... collaborating files was a pain...)
5. When you work in a pair... you don't always have to do everything together... just as long as you both know what each other are doing.
List five things that you would do differently next time
1. More visual research.
2. Use sketchbook more ( Although its somehow harder to do so when ur working in a pair ) but don't just research verbally. write them down !
3. evaluate as you go
4. more research in general...to back up the problem/target audience
5.time management
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Don't Panic:Vogue:Self Evaluation

Overall I am pretty happy with the finished poster I am created, although the design is simple, the message itself is playful and light hearted, which is what I wanted to achieved. I've looked at previous posetr designs from Don't Panic and found that mnay of them were really promicuious and a lot of the time I dont nderstand them.
I really enjoyed this project as we were given a direct problem which we had to come up with a visual resolution for it which is what I did. There were some constraints to it , size, format etc which I also really liked. The project was short and we only had a week to do it. I feel, I could have perfected the final poster design more if we had more time but as I have learnt, TIME is a massive factor in Graphic Design Practice and I am happy with what I've made in the amount of time given
I used both type and image for this poster and I found it hard at first to link the two together interms of layout. I think that this is something that I would like to learn more of in ther future....using type and image.
I also would like to have worked more on the other two posters although they werent as strong as the first one visually but i still like the message within them and i think, with more time put into them, the three would work well as a set
OUGD103 Module self evaluation
List five things that I have learnt about design process over the last module
1.Time management is essential! As we've had five weeks on this project it was important that I made sure I managed my time reasonably. As we had a fairly long time to do this project, it is easy to leave things to the last minute. however, I managed my time pretty well, I would like to think and I managed to spend a reasonable amount of time researching, generating ideas, experiementing with appraches and leaving enough time to produce the final products.
2. This is the first project where I started to realy use design sheets. I really didnt want to to it before ( using a layout pad) as I had a thing about using good paper in my design process but I have learnt that I was wrong...about myself. I used a layout pad for this project and I found it to be a much more effective way for ME to generate ideas. I wasn't bothered about making it all look nice and pretty, i jus produced ideas as it came. It was very fluent and quick and useful. I ws able to do sketchsed much quicker as well. Layout pad...
3. Asking more questions in crits! Ive always found crits very useful but for this brief, as we had so many crits i was able to ask more and specific questions than usual. Its good to listen to what people have to say but asking them more quesitons back was so effective in perfecting the idea. products.
4. BLOG!! I've blogged...and blogged and blogged for this brief. I took on Amber and Fred's advise about writing everything down on the blog and, yes it is what i have to do any to get the grades but i actually found it to be so useful. Id create something on Illustrator or Photoshop and I would immediately save it as JPEG and blog it and write something about it. Or if i had a crit then I would blog it, name the blog as whatever it was and its an effective and organised way for me to document things.
5. TALK to people...even when they don't ask you. This is actually what I put down as one of the advices for the 1st years on my project but I think it applies to everyone. Approaching someone who doesn't know what I'm doing and explaing the project is so useful. Its just like having a quick, fast, mini crit. 1. saying it out loud somehow helps and 2. getting a different response is always great. I hav'e found that for this project, you work on it one your own for so long that sometimes you get really absorbed into what you're doing and forget to look at it objectively, therefore talkin to someone helps ( especially someone who is blunt and direct)
List five things that you would do differently next time
1. BOOK print as early as possible. I say...the minute you kind of know what you want to do, as soon as you know its print based...book a time for the deadline. I'be managed to do it for earlier briefs but for somehow for this one i was stupid enough to leave it for the week before , especially during this time of the year!
2. although I've been pretty good at using sketchbooks and designs sheets and blogs for this brief.... I've not done enough of continuous evaluation for everything I've done which I think would be very useful.
3. make Design Context'ing' more of a habit, at the beginning of the project I've looked at designs and designers who would be useful and inspiration to me for this particular project and the idea generation process but I think i stopped doing it when I started to really get into the design part of the project ...may be its not a bad thing??
4. Plan my day. Some of the days i've just ended up wasting deciding what to do. I should plan my day ahead the night before so I know exactly what I need to do. I think this would be a part of a better time management.
5. Think about the distribution of the products earlier on rather than at the end of the project and having less time to think about it. ....again, this might be part of time management..?
This is what I put for my evaluation for this last project ( speaking from experience) but after reading over it i think that it still applies for me over the past term.
As a designer, i think that over this past year I have developped in many ways and there are still many things that i still need to develop.
I've become aware of a lot of things now that I would never have been aware of at the start o the year. Every design process that I carry out, I go through a certain checklist in my head which has only just existed this year!
for example, i ask myself how much time I have and how much would i be able to get done in that amount of time and how far i can push myself/ and the time given to produce the most thought out and well crafted finished piece.
Idea generations have become more of an instinct and more natural. I enjoy the process more and more everyday and its very satifying to be able to fgure out the best resolution for each problem ( although Im still never a hundred percent sure its the right one but its the one where I most confident on taking a risk on ! )r
There are still things I need to learn to become better of, As said, i enjoy idea generation and i think that I am quite good at it. I also enjoy the designing proces but I feel like I'm still a little weaker on that side. Therefore I would still like to learn a lot more about using the right colours, layout, type and etc.
I wuold like to understand the connections between these things within a piece of design better and I think that this is what I would like to focuss on next year as well as what kind of desginer I would like to become. (Illustrative, type based)
Although I am keen on recognising the type of designer I would like to become most I still really like to become better in the areas where I am not was comfortable at doing. eg, film, 'proper' type etc.
1.Time management is essential! As we've had five weeks on this project it was important that I made sure I managed my time reasonably. As we had a fairly long time to do this project, it is easy to leave things to the last minute. however, I managed my time pretty well, I would like to think and I managed to spend a reasonable amount of time researching, generating ideas, experiementing with appraches and leaving enough time to produce the final products.
2. This is the first project where I started to realy use design sheets. I really didnt want to to it before ( using a layout pad) as I had a thing about using good paper in my design process but I have learnt that I was wrong...about myself. I used a layout pad for this project and I found it to be a much more effective way for ME to generate ideas. I wasn't bothered about making it all look nice and pretty, i jus produced ideas as it came. It was very fluent and quick and useful. I ws able to do sketchsed much quicker as well. Layout pad...
3. Asking more questions in crits! Ive always found crits very useful but for this brief, as we had so many crits i was able to ask more and specific questions than usual. Its good to listen to what people have to say but asking them more quesitons back was so effective in perfecting the idea. products.
4. BLOG!! I've blogged...and blogged and blogged for this brief. I took on Amber and Fred's advise about writing everything down on the blog and, yes it is what i have to do any to get the grades but i actually found it to be so useful. Id create something on Illustrator or Photoshop and I would immediately save it as JPEG and blog it and write something about it. Or if i had a crit then I would blog it, name the blog as whatever it was and its an effective and organised way for me to document things.
5. TALK to people...even when they don't ask you. This is actually what I put down as one of the advices for the 1st years on my project but I think it applies to everyone. Approaching someone who doesn't know what I'm doing and explaing the project is so useful. Its just like having a quick, fast, mini crit. 1. saying it out loud somehow helps and 2. getting a different response is always great. I hav'e found that for this project, you work on it one your own for so long that sometimes you get really absorbed into what you're doing and forget to look at it objectively, therefore talkin to someone helps ( especially someone who is blunt and direct)
List five things that you would do differently next time
1. BOOK print as early as possible. I say...the minute you kind of know what you want to do, as soon as you know its print based...book a time for the deadline. I'be managed to do it for earlier briefs but for somehow for this one i was stupid enough to leave it for the week before , especially during this time of the year!
2. although I've been pretty good at using sketchbooks and designs sheets and blogs for this brief.... I've not done enough of continuous evaluation for everything I've done which I think would be very useful.
3. make Design Context'ing' more of a habit, at the beginning of the project I've looked at designs and designers who would be useful and inspiration to me for this particular project and the idea generation process but I think i stopped doing it when I started to really get into the design part of the project ...may be its not a bad thing??
4. Plan my day. Some of the days i've just ended up wasting deciding what to do. I should plan my day ahead the night before so I know exactly what I need to do. I think this would be a part of a better time management.
5. Think about the distribution of the products earlier on rather than at the end of the project and having less time to think about it. ....again, this might be part of time management..?
This is what I put for my evaluation for this last project ( speaking from experience) but after reading over it i think that it still applies for me over the past term.
As a designer, i think that over this past year I have developped in many ways and there are still many things that i still need to develop.
I've become aware of a lot of things now that I would never have been aware of at the start o the year. Every design process that I carry out, I go through a certain checklist in my head which has only just existed this year!
for example, i ask myself how much time I have and how much would i be able to get done in that amount of time and how far i can push myself/ and the time given to produce the most thought out and well crafted finished piece.
Idea generations have become more of an instinct and more natural. I enjoy the process more and more everyday and its very satifying to be able to fgure out the best resolution for each problem ( although Im still never a hundred percent sure its the right one but its the one where I most confident on taking a risk on ! )r
There are still things I need to learn to become better of, As said, i enjoy idea generation and i think that I am quite good at it. I also enjoy the designing proces but I feel like I'm still a little weaker on that side. Therefore I would still like to learn a lot more about using the right colours, layout, type and etc.
I wuold like to understand the connections between these things within a piece of design better and I think that this is what I would like to focuss on next year as well as what kind of desginer I would like to become. (Illustrative, type based)
Although I am keen on recognising the type of designer I would like to become most I still really like to become better in the areas where I am not was comfortable at doing. eg, film, 'proper' type etc.
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